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technology01.pngMediaWiki is the wiki software behind WikiPedia.
The issue, when using it as a software development tool, is formatting code in a pretty way.
As we did with WordPress before, here are some details to make dp.SyntaxHighlighter work fairly seamlessly with MediaWiki.

###Install the client-side highlighter###
Download dp.SyntaxHighlighter.
Uncompress its content under a new `/skins/common/SyntaxHighlighter` folder in your MediaWiki installation (don’t forget to make sure the files can be read by the web server; for instance, on Linux you may use `chown apache.apache -R *`).

In the skin template you are using for your MediaWiki site, insert the necessary code as required. In my example, I use the default `/skins/MonoBook.php` template into which I added the following:

Just before the closing `` tag:
Just before the closing tag:
>_Note that you must include a reference to each source file corresponding to the type of programming language you want to highlight.
Have a look under the `/skins/common/SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/` folder to see which languages you can highlight; there are a lot more than the few I use on my site._

###Install the WikiMedia extension###
I’ve created a small extension to WikiMedia to allow us to enclose any source code in a new `` tag.
Click on the _View Plain_ option below and copy-paste the following code into a new file that you will save under `/extensions/syntaxhighlighter.php` (again, make sure this is readable by the webserver).

Add the following line to the end of your `LocalSettings.php` file, right before the closing `?>` tag.

To highlight code in your MediaWiki pages, just enclose your source code with the new `` tag. This tag takes a `lang` attribute to specify the options that normally would be listed in the `class` attribute in the _dp.SyntaxHighlighter_ documentation.

For example:

Will display as:

For more information on using _dp.SyntaxHighlighter_ see:

Last modified: Sunday, 18 April 2021



Bryn Thomas 

Thanks a lot for putting this up, I’ve added it to my own wiki and it worked brilliantly (just had to change a bit of the code for the new version of dp syntaxhighlighter). It also shows nicely just how simple it is to write extensions for MediaWiki.

Hi! I got some problems trying to start this up in my wiki, Probably ’cause of that changes Bryn talked about. I get this error : dp is not defined index.php?title=EDITOR&action=edit()()…tion=edit (lĂ­nea 295) [Break on this error] dp.SyntaxHighlighter.HighlightAll(‘code’); Could you help me? thank you very much for your effort!

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